Instagram Feed Widget

Add a feed of your latest Instagram posts to your Hail Newsletters, Gazettes and Website.

Instagram makes adding a feed of recent thumbnail pics a little more complicated than adding Facebook and X (Twitter) feeds, but the result is well worth it.

Step 1. Create an Instagram Connection

Head to the Connections section in Hail and create a new Instagram Connection. You'll be taken through the necessary steps to authorise Hail's access with your Instagram account.

You'll need to be a full admin of the Instagram account you're connecting and signed into it in the browser.

Important: one of the steps in the Instagram authorisation process is marked as optional (Media). However, if this option is not checked then Hail won't have access to display your latest thumbnails so please make sure it's selected.

Once you've completed the authorisation you'll be greeted with the following notification and you can configure the Instagram Feed Widget.

Step 2. Configure the Instagram Feed Widget

Once your Instagram account has been authorised, you simply need to go to your Widgets section and select where you want the feed to display. The options are:

  • Website
  • Portal
  • Newsletters
  • Gazettes

And then you're all done and ready to enjoy Instagram in your publications!

Note: at this stage, Instagram doesn't allow third-party platforms like Hail to post images to Instagram. We hope this will be an added option in the future and we continue to pursue this with their parent company Meta.

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