Switching Your Domain to Hail

Switching your domain over to Hail is very straightforward on the Hail side.

  • Head to the ‘Manage domains’ section under your Organisation Settings 

  • Here you can add your domain - e.g. mydomain.co.nz

  • Once added Hail will lookup the domain’s current DNS settings, list them for you, and tell you what they need to be changed to in order for the domain to point to Hail. (Required Data vs Current Data).

  • Then all you need to do is make those changes with your domain registrar, adding the verify.hail.to CNAME and editing the A record and www CNAME.

Note: Some registrars will update the DNS settings on a set schedule each day, so it can take up to 24 hours.

  • Once that’s done and the new DNS has propagated, you'll see that the changes are updated and verified in Hail like so...

  • And then you need to tell Hail what content you want to associate the domain with.
Select a Domain Association, then click 'Done'.
  • You can associate the domain with your Hail Website (or even an individual publication or article if you have multiple domains you want to point to different content).

Most Domain Registrars will help you with how to change the DNS settings. If you are unsure where your Domain is registered you can look up the information on the Domain Name Commission NZ website.

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