Custom Domains for Publications

Did you know you can add your own domain or subdomain to your newsletter, yearbook or other publications?

Hail gives you the option to add domains, which most people use for their Hail Website. But you can also add domains and subdomains for attaching to your publications.

By adding a domain or subdomain to your publication it's web address URL can change from something like to simply or even

Once you have the domain/subdomain added to Hail, it's very easy to update which publication it's pointing to. You simply:

  • Go to your Settings in the top-right menu when you click your organisation.
  • Click on Domains.
  • Disassociate the domain from the current publication.
  • And then, Associate it to the latest one.

For your community, this has the advantage that your latest newsletter can always be found at the same web address.

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