Promo Block Widget

Add 4 Promo Blocks to your Hail Website to highlight and link to key Articles, Publications and/or URLs.

Where to find Promo Blocks

These can be found in your website settings (or in your Widgets section), called 4 promo blocks:

How to add and edit:

  • Simply give each Promo Block a Title and an Icon,
  • Then Add A Link. Choose between an article, publication or external URL
  • Select a photo from the Image browser if you have a Classic website style. (Images wont show up on Canvas websites)
  • Same process applies for editing Promo Blocks.

Some notes about how Promo Blocks are displayed on different website types:

  • This widget is designed to sit alongside the Facebook widget on a Classic website style.
  • On a Canvas website style, Promo blocks become your icon section.

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