Editing subscribers in Hail Mail

You can easily find and edit Hail Mail subscribers by searching for them or browsing through your subscriber list.

  • Navigate to the Hail Mail section in the left-hand menu, click on a Mailing List and then click 'Subscribers'

  • In the screen that appears, you can filter by each list and see the subscribers in them.
  • Under ‘Unlisted’ you can see any contacts that are not on any Subscriber list.
  • Under ‘Bounced’ any contacts that have bounced.
  • You can also search through all your subscribers.

  • Click on the edit icon to edit a Subscriber's information.
  • You can edit their email address, names, add or take them off a Mailing list or remove them completely. Make sure to press 'Save'.
  • You can also see their Subscriber Activity. You'll be able to see what they have been sent and what they have opened.
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