Updating Hail Website Content

When you look at your navigation menu on your website, everything that makes up that menu structure is either an article, publication or an external link.

If the content you are looking at is NOT an external link, then it is either an ARTICLE or PUBLICATION.

A good way to tell, is to look at the URL:

If I would like to edit information that is on a 'webpage' that has an 'a' in it's URL- you need to look for that article in your article library.

If the URL has 'publication' - you can head to your publication library.

PRO tip for finding content easily in Hail.

Copy the unique ID from the article URL and take it over to your article or publication library..

Click in the search bar and paste the ID and hit enter:

Click on the article you would like to to edit or update, make your changes and press save.

It's as easy as that! 🐥

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